Esta bebé de 5 meses se convertirá en la persona más joven en haber visitado todos los estados de Estados Unidos

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Harper Yeats, una pequeña bebé de tan solo 5 meses,  puede llegar a convertirse en la persona más joven en visitar los 50 estados de los Estados unidos.

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???????? Hello from South Dakota! ••• If you haven’t been to Sioux Falls SD, pack your bags and head over ASAP! My parents love it so much they visited twice this year. If you’re there in the winter, my folks tell me they saw the most beautiful not-to-be-missed Christmas sound and light show down in Falls Park. Until next time, Sioux Falls ???? ••• Hi, I’m Harper! I’m 5 months old and am on an epic trip around the USA. I’m going to visit all 50 states before the end of the year, which could make me the youngest person to do it. Check out my story on the Daily Advertiser (#linkinbio) and then I hope you’ll click that follow button to join my adventure! ≫ 12 states to go #harper50states // @harper.yeats @uplateblog // #hmsyeats #babyyeats #uplatefamily // #southdakota #hifromsd #siouxfalls #visitsiouxfalls #onlyinsouthdakota @southdakota @visitsiouxfalls @onlyinsouthdakota

Una publicación compartida por Harper Yeats (@harper.yeats) el

Sus padres, Cindy Lim y Tristan Yeats, han estado documentando su emocionante viaje por carretera al principio de la vida en Instagram.

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???????? Hello from North Dakota! ••• As the sign promised and, in the words of one of Mummy’s favourite television characters, Bismarck ND was “legen—wait for it… and I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is—dairy! LEGENDARY!” ••• I had so much fun exploring this state’s capital. I did a tour of the Capitol Building (number 9 for me), visited the Heritage Center and Museum and had the best playtime with Mummy and Daddy on the Capitol Mall lawn. I only wish I could have stayed longer. ••• Hi, I’m Harper! I’m 5 months old and am on an epic trip around the USA. I’m going to visit all 50 states before the end of the year, which could make me the youngest person to do it. Check out my story on the Daily Advertiser (#linkinbio) and then I hope you’ll click that follow button to join my adventure! ≫ 13 states to go #harper50states // @harper.yeats @uplateblog // #hmsyeats #babyyeats #uplatefamily // #northdakota #NDlegendary #onlyinnorthdakota #igersnorthdakota #bismarcknd #downtownbismarck @northdakotalegendary @igersnorthdakota @onlyinnorthdakota @downtownbismarck @bismarcknd

Una publicación compartida por Harper Yeats (@harper.yeats) el

Después de que comenzaron su viaje en junio, la nueva familia se inscribió en All Fifty States Club, que tiene una solicitud para recibir un certificado que prueba que usted ha visitado «oficialmente» todos los estados de los Estados Unidos. Para convertirte en miembro, debes haber visitado más de 35 estados.

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???????? Hello from Idaho! ••• Fun fact: it is illegal not to smile in Pocatello ID – the law states that «it is prohibited for pedestrians and motorists to display frowns, grimaces, scowls, threatening and glowering looks, gloomy and depressed facial appearances.» So here I am practising my best smile as we crossed into the Gem State. We didn’t visit Pocatello, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right? ••• Hi, I’m Harper! I’m 21 weeks old and am on an epic trip around the USA. My family is trying to visit all 50 states before the end of the year, which could make me the youngest person to do it. Check out my story on the Daily Advertiser (#linkinbio) and then I hope you’ll click that follow button to join my adventure! ≫ 16 states to go #harper50states // @harper.yeats @uplateblog // #hmsyeats #babyyeats #uplatefamily // #idaho #visitidaho #idahoexplored #gemstate #pocatello #cityofpocatello @visitidaho @idahoexplored @cityofpocatello // #candidchildhood #magicofchildhood #mytinymoments #ourtreasuredmoments #childhoodunplugged #mybeautifulmess #humansofjoy #photosinbetween #thisjoyfulmoment #momswithcameras #watchthemgrow #teammotherly #kidswhoexplore #thehappynow #justbaby #throughachildseyes

Una publicación compartida por Harper Yeats (@harper.yeats) el

Ahora, están casi al final de su viaje. A partir del 18 de octubre, la familia estará en Vermont, la última parada del viaje. Y sí, incluso han estado en Alaska y Hawai, también.

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