The 10 Best Things To Do in London´s Hyde Park

Redactora / Travel writer

Hyde Park is not a simple urban park, it is not just a green space in the middle of the city or nothing more than a lung where you can rest and exercise. Hyde Park is a symbol of the city of London and is an emblematic icon among the many that this fantastic city conserves. London has it all and is home to one of the most famous, beautiful and attractive parks in the whole of the UK .

In this post we will tell you the 10 best things to do in Hyde Park, a unique and ideal place to visit on a tour of London.

Things To Do In London´s Hyde Park

Where is Hyde Park?

For those who have never been to London or for those who have been very distracted in London, Hyde Park is to London what Central Park is to New York. It is the urban park most important and one of the essential green spaces within a city of the size of this type of city.

Where Is Hyde Park?

Hyde Park is located in the center of London, which also means that several subway lines (underground) reach different corners and places of the park, since it measures more than 140 hectares.

Where Is Hyde Park?

Now to the important thing, what are the 10 best things to do in London’s Hyde Park?

1. Guided tour

Within the park free guided tours are organized where a professional explains the details of the different areas of the park, the flora and fauna present (with squirrels as protagonists ) and the story of how it began to gain its popularity today, ideal for a first visit.

10 Best Things To Do In London'S Hyde Park

2. Rowing boats on the Serpentine

The giant water pond that is in Hyde Park allows the navigation of rowboats that can be rented on one of its sides. Generally boats are rented from April to October (due to the weather) for 30 minutes or an hour.

10 Best Things To Do In London'S Hyde Park

3. Speaker’s Corner

Or “speaker’s corner” is what a particular place in Hyde Park is called. The northeast corner of the giant park is a place where you may want to go on a Sunday morning. During World War II, at the speaker’s corner, anyone could talk about whatever topic they wanted (politician above all) without fear of being repressed .

10 Best Things To Do In London'S Hyde Park

It is like the “free” site to talk about whatever you want , as long as you are not touching English soil (literally) and as long as it is within the law.

Why on Sunday mornings? Because it is the time of the week when speakers come to talk about different topics and people come together to listen .

4. Monument in honor of Lady Di

In 2014, Queen Elizabeth II inaugurated a monument in honor of Lady Di, who was the princess of Great Britain and lost her life in a tragic accident in 1997.

Monument In Honor Of Lady Di

The monument is a great watercourse oval and shallow , in constant movement, thus representing the personality so darling of the princess. Unlike most of the “aquatic” monuments in the world, this one invites children (and not so much too) to cool off during the summer.

5. Diana Memorial Playground

One of the best things to do in Hyde Park, especially with children, is the Diana Memorial Playground which, continuing the tributes created in honor of Princess Diana, they can play in a park created especially for them.

5. Diana Memorial Playground

The Diana Memorial symbolizes, through games, the works that the princess did to defend and promote the development of childhood. In this kindergarten, it is interesting to discover the sculptures and constructions in honor of Peter Pan so that children can learn while playing.

6. Albert Memorial

In honor of Queen Victoria’s husband after his death in 1872. In this sector a series of sculptures are presented as a tribute , culminating with an image of Prince Albert in his center. In summer a series of open-air concerts are presented in this same place.

Albert Memorial

7. Serpentine Gallery

A small building, surrounded by trees s, creating a spectacular atmosphere. One of the best things to do in Hyde Park for lovers of culture and nature within a trip. Generally in this art gallery works by different artists are presented, depending on the month and time of year.

Serpentine Gallery

8. Rent chairs and rest

It is not always necessary to be doing activities all day and Hyde Park (since it closes at midnight) is a great place to rest and take fresh air during the summer. Around Lake Serpentine, you can rent chairs and rest watching “time go by” .

Rent Chairs And Rest

9. Italian Winter Garden

The “Italian Gardens” are another of the best things to do in Hyde Park, especially in summer . It is such a beautiful and picturesque place that it has been used as a setting in various series and movies. It is a place to admire nature and the colors of the garden flowers preserved in perfect condition since 1860.

Italian Winter Garden

10. Winter Wonderland

Visiting an urban park during winter, and especially the one in London, can be a bit tricky (colder than difficult). Although the English have created a site that attracts families during Christmas Eve until mid-January: Winter Wonderland, an amusement park and site of Christmas events , is It’s one of the best things to do in Hyde Park on those icy days.

Winter Wonderland

Una visita al emblemático parque es un atractivo imprescindible que hacer en un recorrido por la ciudad. A pie, en bicicleta, navegando, en invierno, en verano, en otoño o en primavera, el Hyde Park es un encanto y vale la pena visitarlo.

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