These are the 12 museums in Valencia (paid and free) that you have to visit

Museos en Valencia, España
Redactora / Travel writer

Valencia is a city that has a lot to offer. From more historical sites to completely futuristic ones where the contrast between them is part of the landscape that adds so much to this place. It is the third largest city in all of Spain and it is possible that, when visiting it, it is useful to have a list of the places that you cannot miss at hand.

For this reason, below we will tell you which are the museums that you cannot miss the next time you are in the city, taking into account how many museums there are in Valencia, which ones They are free or have a reduced rate, their schedules, where they are and everything you need to know to plan your trip to perfection.

12 Museums in Valencia that you have to know

Have you ever wondered how many museums there are in Valencia? In the capital city of the homonymous province there are more than 30 of these institutions, taking into account galleries and historic houses. For our part, here we present a selection of which ones you have to visit first of all.

In addition, it is important to bear in mind that the hours of museums in Valencia vary depending on the institution, so we also inform you of their hours and addresses so that you have everything you need.

1. Museum of Fine Arts

The Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia has works that were made between the 15th and 19th centuries. It is nothing more and nothing less than the second largest art gallery in all of Spain.

It is located in what used to be the Colegio Seminario San Pío V, so it is also often known as the San Pío V Museum of Fine Arts. The educational institution had been founded in 1683 and in 1946 it was chosen to host this site of art so characteristic of Valencia. In its collection it has works by artists such as Pinazo, Benlliure, Velázquez, Alcanyís, Nicolau, Goya and more.

Free museums in Valencia that you have to visit: Museum of Fine Arts

If what you are looking for is free museums in Valencia, then the Museum of Fine Arts is one that you cannot miss on your tour of the city. In addition to all that, it should be noted that it is only one of the museums for children in Valencia thanks to its workshops and activities for people of all ages.

Visiting Hours of the Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia: from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 8 pm.

Address: C / San Pío V, 9, Valencia.

2. National Museum of Ceramics

The full name of the institution is González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts and there is a collection of ceramics that spans from the 8th century to contemporary times throughout Spain. . Located in the incredible Palace of the Marqués de Dos Aguas, you can see pieces made by Picasso.

This museum in Valencia was created in 1947 but in 1954 it was officially inaugurated in the Palace . The institution is organized into areas, where each of them develops different tasks: documentation, research, education and cultural action, communication, restoration and conservation, among others.

Visiting hours of the National Ceramic Museum in Valencia : Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm and from 4pm to 8pm; Sundays and holidays from 10 am to 2 pm. The value of the general rate is 3 euros.

Address: Carrer del Poeta Querol, 2, 46002, Valencia.

3. Valencian Institute of Modern Art

Known as IVAM, it has a collection that exceeds 11,000 works, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs and more, and is one of the most outstanding in the entire country. In addition, its heritage is not only made up of local works, but also includes works by Spanish, European, Latin American artists and more.

Founded in 1986, it is an outstanding museum for the city of Valencia and for the entire Valencian Community. Its purpose is to disseminate, promote, protect and generate knowledge about modern and contemporary art.

Visiting hours to the Valencian Institute of Modern Art in Valencia: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The general rate is 6 euros.

Address: Calle Guillem de Castro, 118, Valencia.

4. Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity

Known as MUVIM, or by its name in Valencian as Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i la Modernitat, has one of the most outstanding buildings in contemporary architecture that can be found in the city.

This museum in Valencia seeks to show a new way of understanding the institution as a space for interaction and reflection on the problems and physiognomy of current society . In addition, it is intended to make known the ideas and values ​​that made the modern world possible. In this sense, in addition to the exhibitions and temporary samples, it also has series of conferences, audiovisual projections and educational workshops.

Visiting hours to the Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity in Valencia: from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm. Sundays and holidays from 10 am to 8 pm. Guided tours are conducted in Spanish, Valencian, English and French and the general rate is 2 euros.

Address: Guillem de Castro, 8, and Quevedo, 10, Valencia.

5. Valencia History Museum

Of the museums in Valencia, which are not few, in this case it is one didactic and multifaceted . Here you can learn about the history of the city through its collection of works of art, archaeological objects, books, clothing, and different articles that have been carefully preserved over time. < / p>

It is a form of this r face to face with history and to know a way of knowing the city from its past. In addition, the institution is located in what used to be an old water deposit for supplying the city.

Visiting hours 5. Valencia History Museum: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm. Sundays and holidays, from 10 am to 2 pm. The cost of general admission is 2 euros.

Address: Valencia 42, next to the Cabecera Park, 46920 – Mislata (City of Valencia).

6. Silk Museum

This institution is also known as Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda and is one of the most important buildings both in architectural and cultural terms for Valencia. It is known by the name of the school because it is located in what was its headquarters since the 15th century.

The Silk Museum has three rooms : the Hall of Fame, one of the main sites of the school with a fresco by José Vergara on the ceiling, the chapel; and, finally, the historical file . There it is possible to know the history of silk in Valencia from the moment it arrived, in addition to seeing the ancient looms in operation first-hand.

Visiting hours to the Silk Museum in Valencia: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm; Sundays: from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The general rate has a cost of 7 euros, with an audio guide.

Address: Hospital 7, 46001, Valencia.

7. Fallero Museum

One of the most popular celebrations in the city is the Fallas Festival, which is held every year from March 15 to 19. The Fallero Museum is a different way of knowing and witnessing everything what this celebration implies but at any time of the year.

“Fallas” is the word that was used to refer to torches in medieval Valencian, and which are burned on the last night of the festival, known as cremà. Most of them are reduced to ashes, but some of them are sheltered from the fire and are conserved in this museum. In fact, all those that have remained from 1934 to the present are preserved.

Museums In Valencia: Fallero Museum
Museums in Valencia, paid and free, that you have to visit: Fallero Museum – Image via VisitValencia

You can also see how the Fallas Festival evolved over time, with images, testimonies, posters and more, so that people can feel a bit of what these celebrations are.

Visiting hours to the Fallero Museum in Valencia: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm; Sundays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The general rate is 2 euros and it includes audio guides in Spanish, Valencian, English, French and Italian that are not included in the ticket.

Address: Plaza Monteolivete 4, Valencia.

8. City Museum – Palace of the Marqués de Campo

It is located in the Palacio del Marqués del Campo, a building dating from the nineteenth century, and is one of the three museums in the city that takes care of and conserves the historical heritage of the City Council From Valencia.

Among its collection are documents dating from the era of the conquest of Valencia, as well as archaeological collections dating back to the founding of the city, to the Roman, Visigothic, Muslim and Christian times as well. In addition, it has temporary and permanent exhibitions.

Museums In Valencia: City Museum
Museums in Valencia, paid and free, that you have to visit: Museum of the City – Image via VisitValencia

Visiting hours: from Monday to Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm; Sundays and holidays, from 10 am to 2 pm. The general rate is 2 euros.

Address: Plaza del Arzobispo 3, Valencia.

9. Almoina Museum

Also known as Centro Arqueológico de l’Almoina, is located in the homonymous square, in the historic center of Valencia. It is an underground space where the most important archaeological finds that were made in this area are located, and it covers a journey from Roman times to the Middle Ages.

The institution organizes its exhibition chronologically and has bronze models, vessels, weapons, and even human remains. In addition, the people who visit it have the possibility of walking on the ruins by a glass walkway.

Museums In Valencia: Almoina Museum
Museums in Valencia, paid and free, that you have to visit: Museo de la Almoina

Hours: from Monday to Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm; Sundays and holidays from 10 am to 3 pm. The general rate is 2 euros.

Address : Plaza Décimo Junio ​​Bruto (Cónsul Romano), s / n, Valencia,

10. Science Museum

It is one of the areas that make up the City of Arts and Sciences, one of the must-see places in Valencia, and they describe it as ” the great museum of the 21st century “. There you can learn about the evolution of life, science and technology through fully interactive activities where the person learns by doing.

The main motto of the place is “ Do not touch, do not feel, do not think”, and its purpose is not only to show evolution, but to generate knowledge and contribute to spreading it by encouraging curiosity of visitors.

Undoubtedly it is a museum that you can enjoy all of them, but if you are looking for museums for children in Valencia we must tell you that the interactivity and the possibility of learning in a fun way make this institution a must see.

Hours: from Sunday to Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm; Saturdays, from 10 am to 8 pm; Vespers and holidays, from 10 am to 8 pm. In the summer season the hours vary, opening every day from 10 am to 9 pm. The general rate is 8 euros, but there are usually promotions to visit other areas of the complex.

Address: Av. Professor López Piñero, 7, City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia,

11. Benlliure House-Museum

In this case it is the house of the painter José Benlliure Gil, who bought it in 1912, and it became a museum in 1957 thanks to the donation of his daughter, María Benlliure Ortiz.

The house was built between 1880 and 1883, and has three distinct sectors. On the one hand there is the house, on the other the study, with a lot of 19th century style, and finally the garden, which has busts of the Benlliure’s father and another by the same artist.

Museums In Valencia: Benlliure House-Museum
Museums in Valencia, paid and free, that you have to visit: Benlliure House-Museum

Hours: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm; Sundays and holidays, from 10 am to 2 pm. The general rate is 2 euros.

Address : Blanquerías 23, Valencia.

12. Museum of the Tin Soldiers

L’IBER, also known as the museum of the tin soldiers, is the largest museum of historical miniatures in the world. It is located in the Palace of Malferit and its exhibition has more than 95,000 pieces . You could say that it is a paradise for fans of miniatures.

It has 15 rooms and throughout them you can see the story in three dimensions, represented by these miniature figures. In addition, it is also a cultural center, and there are both micro exhibitions such as conferences, concerts, theater presentations and more.

Hours: Saturdays, from 11 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm; Sundays, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. In summer it is also open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at the same times, and festive dates open during special hours. The general rate has a cost of 8 euros, with an optional additional of 2 euros per person to access the guided tour.

Address: Caballeros 20-22, Valencia.

What are the free museums in Valencia or which ones have reduced rates?

Museums in Valencia have different rates depending on the days or if you have the city’s tourist card, called the Valencia Tourist Card. In this way, sometimes you can count on a special discount or that they are free, and we know that there are few things better than going to a museum for free.

For this reason, below we will tell you which days some of the museums that we mentioned above are free or what you have to take into account to obtain a discount so that you take it into account for your next trip.

  • Museum of Fine Arts : admission is free every day.
  • National Museum of Ceramics : admission is free on Saturdays from 4:00 p.m., Sundays, International Museum Day (May 18), National Holiday of Spain (October 12), International Day of Monuments and Sites (April 18), and the Spanish Constitution (December 6). Tourists who have the Valencia Tourist Card can access a 35% discount the rest of the days.
  • Valencian Institute of Modern Art: free entry on Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturdays from 15 to 19 and Sundays all day. In addition, those who have the Valencia Tourist Card get a 35% discount the rest of the days. Clarification : throughout 2021 admission is free.
  • Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity : you can enter for free on Saturdays and Sundays, and tourists who have the Valencia Tourist Card will have a 35% discount the rest of the days.
  • Valencia History Museum: this is one of the free museums on Sundays and holidays, in addition to the International Museum Day (May 18); Those who have the Valencia Tourist Card can enter for free every day. Clarification: in 2021, provisionally, the entrance It is free every day.
  • Museo de la Seda: people who have a Valencia Tourist Card (VTC) can enter with a 15% discount.
Free Museums In Valencia
The Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia is one of the free museums in the city, regardless of the day it is visited – Image via Museu Belles Arts Valencia
  • Fallero Museum: admission to the museum is free on Sundays and holidays for the general public; people who have the VTC can enter for free every day.
  • City Museum – Palacio del Marqués de Campo: on Sundays and public holidays the general public You can enter the museum for free, while those with the VTC will be able to enter every day. Clarification: in 2021 the entrance is provisionally free until they can charge with dataphones.
  • Museo de la Almoina: the entrance is free on Sundays and public holidays for the general public. Those with the VTC can enter for free every day. Clarification: in 2021 admission is provisionally free until they can charge with dataphones.
  • Science Museum: people who are users of the VTC will have a 15% discount on the general rate.
  • Benlliure House-Museum: Sundays and holidays admission is free for the general public, while users of The VTC can enter the museum for free every day. Clarification: in 2021 the entrance is provisionally free until they can charge with dataphones.
  • Museum of the Tin Soldiers : card users VTC will be able to access special discounts on the general rate.

How many museums are there in Valencia? More than 30, but these are the ones that you cannot miss on your next visit. Some of them are free, others have special discounts, but what they all have in common is that they are going to make you want to know more and more.

If after visiting these museums you want to learn more about the culture of Valencia and want to try its gastronomy, here we tell you what the typical dishes of this city are.

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