When we talk about the best Bodegones in Buenos Aires, it is important to know that we are not talking about luxurious restaurants, impossible to pay prices, gourmet food, far from it. These are places where eating cheaply is possible while enjoying a great menu typical of this city.
The Bodegones are part of the living history of the city of Buenos Aires, they are corners where you can relive and enjoy the classic dishes typical of the time of our parents and grandparents.
When you take your first steps in Buenos Aires you will find breweries and hamburgers everywhere, yes, but not to be confused. The essence of Buenos Aires gastronomy has its origins in these bodegones. They are places where traditions are preserved and although it seems that it is a matter of fashion, the reality is that bodegones from Buenos Aires were always present and we hope they continue to be.
In a city like the capital of Argentina, the gastronomic offer is inexhaustible. You can find national, international, more traditional or more experimental options, but if what you are looking for is a place to eat rich and where to eat cheaply in Buenos Aires bodegones are the place you cannot miss. Is there a better combination than that?
There is probably a still life in every neighborhood of the city that is worth sitting down. Therefore, if you ask yourself “where to eat in Buenos Aires?”, Here we tell you which are some of the best Buenos Aires bodegones for you to visit during your stay in the city.
Undoubtedly, one of the experiences that you cannot lose in this huge city.
What is a bodegón in Buenos Aires?
These classics, because that is how they deserve to be classified, began in their origins as simple pantries or small warehouses, to later incorporate some drinks. Later, they were encouraged to serve the odd plate of food, and when they realized it, they were quite a restaurant.
Located in different Buenos Aires neighborhoods, nowadays they seem to have re-emerged; and the old bodegones of Buenos Aires are considered a true relic of the city. Some date from 1912, 1936 or 1952; and that they continue to function today is no mere coincidence.
What characterizes the best bodegones in Buenos Aires?
Undoubtedly, the main characteristic of the best bodegones in Buenos Aires is to enjoy an excellent and abundant plate of food, but combined with the feeling of traveling back in time.
Its abundant portions, the influence of Italian, Spanish or even German cuisine, the professional waiters (who take the huge orders by heart and without making a mistake) and the affordable prices. These are the characteristics that will let you know that you chose a genuine still life.
Although you will see that each place has its own style, both in the decoration and in the way of preparing the dishes, and cared for by their owners, all the bodegones maintain that magical essence that makes them so unique.
What is the typical food of the bodegones in Buenos Aires?
As we mentioned before, the menu of the bodegones in Buenos Aires has a great influence from the Italian and Spanish culture, mainly, and we can find characteristics of the German one as well, but what reigns is the national “touch”.
Here we tell you what are the still life meals, those typical dishes that you can find when you want something good, delicious and cheap to eat in Buenos Aires.
- Braised veal : still-life meals are characterized, among other things, by being long cooked in the pot, in this way it is not necessary to keep an eye on their progress all the time. One of the most popular is the buttock cooked in its own juice, which also includes a reduction of tomato sauce with a lot of seasoning.
- Chicken with champignon (or mushroom) : dish classic of the bodegones in Buenos Aires, with abundant meat and tasty chicken, not dry. The key to this Still Life meal is that the mushrooms are natural.
- Matambre a la pizza : a classic of classics, this dish is what is known as “powerful” because it is very filling. What makes it so delicious, and that it has become characteristic of still life in Buenos Aires, is that they defat it very well and then use a sauce that is not sweet.
What are the best bodegones in Buenos Aires?
The subject seems to be so important, not only for us, that the famous journalist, food critic and student of culinary anthropology, Pietro Sorba, investigated the subject and wrote “Bodegones de Buenos Aires” in 2008.
Next we leave you our top 5 of the best bodegones in Buenos Aires:
1. Los Galgos, since 1930
The atmosphere preserves the classic but also has a modern touch. That aroma of coffee as soon as you enter, hugs you and assures you that you are in the right place.

The service is always impeccable, with young men who seem to have been practicing this trade for years. All presented in that simple, classic but attractive tableware that one expects when going to a remarkable bar like this one.
Recommended: “ Copetín Los Galgos ”
Address: Av. Callao 501, San Nicolás.
2. The Railway
This Buenos Aires still life is a combination of the most traditional of these food houses with the Argentine grill, and is located in Liniers.
Not being in one of the tourist spots in the city of Buenos Aires, it can go unnoticed, but the reality is that it is worth deviating from the usual path to try its menu and, why not, discover new places porteños.
Address: Av. Reservistas Argentinos 125, Buenos Aires
3. The Pipette, since 1956
Since 1961 in the Microcentro of Buenos Aires. Simple, homemade, abundant food, like grandma’s. La Entraña de La Pipeta, a must-see classic if you are looking for a place to eat in Buenos Aires.
Address: San Martín 498, CABA.
4. Suipacha Warehouse
They define themselves as “authentic still life in Buenos Aires, steps from the most important theaters and hotels and 100 meters from the Obelisk. And also the most beautiful photos of Buenos Aires and our restaurant. ”
In Almacén Suipacha the milanesa is more than a worthy dish for noon, the pastas are very good and the service is very well achieved.
It is surprising that it is not as loud as many other bodegones.
Address: Suipacha 425, CABA.
5. Bar El Federal, since 1864
This classic is one of the best bodegones in Buenos Aires because it makes you want to go back before you’re gone. Both for the food and for its history, since in 1864 this place was already functioning as a grocery store.
The menu is infinite, so we recommend going on a holiday to be able to eat more than one dish and not die in the hurried return home or to the office. The prices? More than friendly.
Recommended: Fried Ravioli.
Address: Carlos Calvo 599, San Telmo.
Bonus Track: The Pink Mamma
Within the list of the best bodegones in Buenos Aires, the typical Italian restaurant, with a menu extensive, so it will be difficult for you to choose.
Ideal to go with friends and share various dishes from the menu, or better yet, order the dishes of the day.
Recommended: Chicken and gnocchi casserole with beef stew.
Address: Jufré 202, Villa Crespo.
So now you know, if you are looking for typical dishes and places to eat cheaply, bodegones in Buenos Aires are something that you cannot miss.